Products can be differentiated according to their use - regular, project-specific or configured for a particular building. With this in mind, the Products API has two specific product types:
SpecificType (parameter) Description
Regular Any product that is manufactured and is a part of a manufacturer's product catalogue.
Private Products that are configured for a particular building and are not a part of the manufacturer's regular catalogue. This type of product can only be created and used through the Products API and does not show in the regular goBIM product catalogue.
In each country there are multiple databases for construction products. In each of these the product receives its own unique reference number. Depending on the country of distribution that a product has, there might be additional reference numbers or identifiers that may need to be added in the product's digital passport.
Country of distribution Name (parameter) Description
Norway Nobbnr A product's reference number for the NOBB database
Elnr A product's reference number for the EL database
Nrfnr A product's reference number for the NRF database

In order for us to make the products' digital passport machine readable and the information easily exportable in different formats, we have different data types, depending on the type of information that the particular product characteristic bears.

Even though the data type of the property is not required when sending the request for creating properties, the value will be validated according to the property's data type. If the value's format is not the same as the data type, required by the property, an error will be returned and the value will not be created.

The possible data types are:

Datatype (parameter) Data type description
string String - ex. "Hello world!"
int Integer - ex. "3"
float Float number - ex. "3.14"
bool Boolean - ex. "true"
date Date (The only accepted format is the ISO 8601 f.ex. 2020-12-31)
link Link - ex. ""
email Email - ex. ""

In order to create a range value for a property, one needs to use operators for specifying the exact range.

The possible operators are:

Operator (parameter) Value operator
eq Equal to (=)
lt Less than (<)
lte Less than or equal to (<=)
gt Greater than (>)
gte Greater than or equal to (>=)
Here's a list of the countries of distribution that the Products API supports. The supported country format is the ISO 3166 Alpha-2 code format.
Country (parameter) Country
BE Belgium
BG Bulgaria
CN China
HR Croatia
CZ Czech Republic
DK Denmark
EE Estonia
FI Finland
FR France
DE Germany
HU Hungary
IT Italy
LV Latvia
LT Lithuania
LU Luxembourg
NL The Netherlands
NO Norway
PL Poland
PT Portugal
ES Spain
SE Sweden
CH Switzerland
TR Turkey
GB United Kingdom
Here are the supported cultures and the codes that represent them in the Products API contracts:
Culture (parameter) Culture name
bg-BG Bulgarian
cs-CZ Czech
da-DK Danish
nl-BE Dutch (Belgium)
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands)
en-GB English (United Kingdom)
fi-FI Finnish
fr-BE French (Belgium)
fr-FR French (France)
de-DE German
el-GR Greek
hu-HU Hungarian
it-IT Italian
is-IS Islandic
nb-NO Norwegian (Bokmål)
pl-PL Polish
ro-RO Romanian
ru-RU Russian
sr-Latn Serbian
es-ES Spanish
sv-SE Swedish
When creating a product asset (a document, photo or BIM object) through the Products API, you need to also provide information about the type of asset you are creating.
Document type (parameter) Document type name
AssemblyInstructions Assembly instructions
BIMObject BIM object
BlueAngel Blue Angel
BREGlobalCertifiedEnvironmentalProfile BRE Global Certified Environmental Profile
BREEAM6Hea02Self-declaration BREEAM 6.0/6.1 Hea 02 Self-declaration
BREEAM6Hea02Self-declarationExemplaryLevel BREEAM 6.0/6.1 Hea 02 Self-declaration exemplary level
BREEAM6Mat02Self-declaration BREEAM 6.0/6.1 Mat 02 Self-declaration
BREEAMSelfDeclaration BREEAM self-declaration A20
BREEAMSelfDeclarationHea09 BREEAM self-declaration Hea 9
BREEAMSelfSeclarationA202016 BREEAM self-declaration A20 2016
BREEAMSelfDeclarationA20HEA2 BREEAM self-declaration HEA2
Brochure Brochure
Byggvarubedömningen Byggvarubedömningen
Byggvarudeklaration Byggvarudeklaration
CADFile CAD file
CertificateOfConformityOfFactoryProductionControl Certificate of conformity of the factory production control
CertificateOfConstancyOfPerformance Certificate of constancy of performance
ColourChart Colour chart
CompanyCertification Company certification
DanishIndoorClimateLabelling Danish Indoor Climate Labelling
DeclarationOfPerformance Declaration of performance (DoP)
DescriptionOfWorkplace Description of workplace
Drawing Drawing
Eco-Lighthouse Eco-Lighthouse
ECOproduct ECOproduct
ECOproductMethod5.2 ECOproduct method 5.2
EnvironmentalInformation Environmental Information
EPD EPD - Environmental Product Declaration
EUDeclarationOfConformity EU Declaration of Conformity
EUEcolabel EU Ecolabel
EUEnergyLabel EU Energy Label
EuropeanTechnicalAssessment European Technical Assessment (ETA)
ExposureScenarios Exposure scenarios
FireApproval Fire approval
FireSafetyData Fire safety data
FMdocumentation FM documentation
FoundationDrawing Foundation drawing
GreenDot Green Dot
GUTLabelForTextileFloorings GUT label for textile floorings
IndoorAirComfortGold Indoor Air Comfort Gold
InformationSheet Information sheet
ISEGACertificateOfCompliance ISEGA Certificate of Complianc
ISO14001 ISO 14001
ISO9001 ISO 9001
ISO9001:ISO14001 ISO 9001: ISO 14001
M1EmissionsClassificationOfBuildingMaterials M1 - Emission Classification of Building Materials
MaintenanceInformation Maintenance information
MaterialInformation Material information
MaterialRecycling Materials recycling
NationalTechnicalApproval National technical approval
NordicEcolabelCertifiedCompany Nordic ecolabel certified company
OHSAS 18001 OHSAS 18001
OperatingInstructions Operating instructions
PriceList Price list
ProductCertification Product certification
ProductDataSheet Product data sheet
ProductPhoto Product image
ProductList Product list
Ruteretur Ruteretur
SDS Safety Data Sheet (SDS)
SectionalDrawing Sectional drawing
SINTEFEnvironmentalCertificate SINTEF Environmental Certificate
SparePartsList Spare parts list
SpecifyingText Specifying text
Startbank Startbank
SubstitutionDocument Substitution document
Svanen Svanen
TableOfTolerances Table of tolerances
TechnicalDataSheet Technical datasheet
TestReport Test report
TransportingInstructions Transporting instructions
UserManual User manual
VideoInstructions Video instructions
Warranty Warranty
WiringDiagram Wiring diagram
Just like the products, the documents which describe them can be active or no longer applicable/ not in use. Here are the statuses which can be used when working with the documents endpoints:
Document status (parameter) Description
Active Documents which is actively in use
Expired Expired documents are documents which are no longer in use or are past their expiration date (f.ex. expired certificates)
All Both active and expired documents