Creating a product
One of the most common uses of the Products API is for enriching the goBIM product
catalogue of the manufacturer with more products. Here are the steps you need to follow
in order to make a single product:
Use the Create product endpoint
The Create product endpoint creates products,
based on a number of essential attributes, describing the product -
its name, construction object, template, specific type and country of distribution,
as well as identifiers and additional optional data about it.
Providing the construction object parameter is a necessary condition for the creation of a product.
In case where you want to specify which template you will be using for the product, you have two other options
- to provide the system template GUID or to provide the GUID of a particular template version.
Providing the template's general GUID - the product will automatically be created with the latest approved version of this template
Providing the template's version GUID - the product will be created with the specific template version that you have provided
Here's an example of a json for a product which is sold in Norway and is based on a specific template:
"country": "NO",
"name": "My test product",
"spn": "654321",
"gtin": "1234567891234",
"gmn": "93778412894",
"constructionObjectGuid": "exampleConstructionObjectGuid",
"specificType": "Regular",
"identifiers": [
"name": "nobbnr",
"value": "123456789"
"templateGuid": "exampleTemplateGuid"
Important to note:
In the Create product endpoint response, we return the Cobuilder ID of the
newly created product. The Cobuilder IDs are the unique identifiers of the
products in our system and need to be provided each time when an action concerns
a particular product - creating properties, updating, deleting or getting data.
Example response:
"id": 1000000,
"name": "My test product",
"description": "Description preview",
"manufacturerName": "Cobuilder",
"countryId": NO,
"spn": "654321",
"gtin": "1234567891234",
"gmn": "93778412894",
"identifiers": [
"value": "123456789",
"name": "nobbnr"
"specificType": "Regular",
"isExpired": false,
"createdOn": "string",
"changedOn": "string",
"accountId": "string",
Use the Create property values endpoint
After your product is created, you can enrich the product with data further by
providing values for its properties. F.ex. specify the height and width of the product.
Important to note:
The properties of the product depend on the its construction object type and the version of the template that has been used.
The properties which are part of the construction object's template can either
be taken from the Templates API or can be provided by Cobuilder in another format.
The attributes which are defined in the construction object template
(construction object, properties, units, predefined values) have guids.
The Products API relies on these system guids and providing an incorrect guid
or not providing any guid whatsoever will return an error.
Each property also has a set data type. We do not require the data type of the
property to be stated in the request when creating or updating properties,
but a validation will be done after the value is sent to us. If the value does
not comply with the correct data type, an error will be returned.
The request body needs to be adjusted depending on what kind of property needs to be created.
Example request for a property with data type string:
"propertyGuid": "string",
"unitGuid": "string",
"values": [
"value": "My test string value",
Example request for a property with data type integer:
"propertyGuid": "string",
"unitGuid": "string",
"values": [
"value": "100",
"operator": "eq"
Example request for a property with data type integer with a range value.
Important to note: the lower value should be passed first.
"propertyGuid": "string",
"unitGuid": "string",
"values": [
"value": "100",
"operator": "gt"
"value": "200",
"operator": "lt"
Example request for a property with a predefined value:
"propertyGuid": "string",
"unitGuid": "string",
"values": [
"valueGuid": "string",
"valueGuid": "string",
Updating existing products
Updating product name or status
After a product is created, the only essential data that can be updated and
changed is the product name, specific type and status.
To change a product's name, use the Update product endpoint.
To change a product's status - expire it or activate it anew,
use the Update product status endpoint.
Updating the product's template version
Data templates can be edited and updated - adding a new property, changing a predefined value, etc. When this happens, a new version of the template is
created and it receives a new version GUID. In order for the user to be able to fill in values for the newly added properties or select the newly applied
predefined values, the template version of the product needs to be updated.
Important to note: The newer version of the template might exclude entities that were previously featured (f.ex. Properties or predefined values).
If the product had property values, based on the removed entities, they will be lost - they will no longer appear on the product.
To update a product to the latest approved template version, use the Update template to latest version endpoint.
Adding new properties
For adding new properties for which no values were previously provided,
use the Create property values endpoint.
Updating property values
For updating or editing a property value that was previously
entered, use the Update property values endpoint.
Deleting properties
You can delete values for properties, by providing the guid of the
property that needs to be deleted, through the Delete property values endpoint.
Getting product data
You can go about getting product data in a different order, depending
on what kind of information you need. The workflow described in this section is an
example one and you can use all GET endpoints in a different order,
depending on your needs. The only thing you need to provide
to access the information for a product is its Cobuilder ID ("Id").
Search for products in the product list
The search endpoints can be modified, depending on your needs.
For more information and examples on how to use them, go back to
the "Searching for products" section.
Important to note: No matter how you structure your search,
the returned results will include the products' Cobuilder ID. This
is the parameter that you will need to provide in all the GET request
URLs, in order to access the information for that product.
Example response:
"results": [
"id": 1000000,
"country": "NO",
"name": "My example product",
"description": "string",
"spn": "12345",
"gtin": "123456789",
"gmn": "93778412894",
"isExpired": false,
"specificType": "Regular"
Get information about the product
To get the essential information for the product - name,
identifiers, country of distribution, use the Get Product Details endpoint.
To get the information in a specific language, provide a culture code in the request URL.
Get a product's construction object
To get the product's construction object type,
use the Get construction object endpoint. To get
the information in a specific language, provide
a culture code in the request URL.
Get a product's template
To get information on the specific template version that the product is based on,
use the Get template. To get
the information in a specific language, provide
a culture code in the request URL.
Get a product's properties
To get all of the product's property values,
use the Get property values endpoint.
To get the information in a specific language,
provide a culture code in the request URL.
Here's an example:
"propertyGuid": "ExampleString",
"unitGuid": "ExampleString",
"propertyTitle": "finish",
"propertyDefaultTitle": "finish",
"unitTitle": "unitless",
"unitDefaultTitle": "unitless",
"values": [
"value": "semi-gloss",
"dataType": "string"
Get a product's picture, documents or other attributes
If you want to access the other data, connected to the product,
you can use the different endpoints that are about each asset type:
To get the information in a specific language, provide a culture
code in the request URL.
Searching for products
The Products API offers two kinds of product searches
- one which is based on the main product data - identifiers,
country of distribution, product specific type, and another one which is based
on the product's construction object type and its properties.
Important to note: However, you structure your search, the returned results
will include the products' Cobuilder ID. This is the parameter that you will
need to provide in all the GET request URLs, in order to access the information for that product.
Here's how you can use the search endpoints:
Search, based on the main product information
The Product Search endpoint can filter the products in your product list,
based on the following criteria:
- Identifiers - SPN, GTIN or GMN
- Country of distribution
- Specific product type
- Status
The criteria you don't need can be omitted from the request body.
Or, for a more specific search, the parameters can also be combined.
Example for a search that returns all active products existing on the account:
"filtration": {
"includeExpired": false
Example for a search that returns all active products with country of distribution Norway:
"filtration": {
"countries": [
"includeExpired": false
Example for a search that returns a product with country of
distribution Norway and has a particular SPN:
"filtration": {
"spn": "12345",
"countries": [
"includeExpired": false
As mentioned above, the returned results will
include the products' Cobuilder ID. This is the parameter
that you will need to provide in all the GET request URLs,
in order to access the information for that product.
Example response:
"results": [
"id": 1000000,
"country": "NO",
"name": "My example product",
"description": "string",
"spn": "12345",
"gtin": "123456789",
"gmn": "93778412894",
"isExpired": false,
"specificType": "Regular"
Advanced search, based on additional product characteristics
The Product Search endpoint can filter the products in your product list,
based on the following criteria:
- Product name
- Product type-related characteristics - one of the following:
- Construction object
- Data template
- Specific version of a data template
- Property values
The criteria you don't need can be omitted from the request body.
Or, for a more specific search, the parameters can also be combined.
Example for a search that returns all products containing a key word in their name (you need to provide at least 3 characters for the search to work):
"filtration": {
"name": "Cobuilder product"
"pagination": {
"skip": 0,
"take": 50
Example for a search that returns all products that have the same construction object:
"filtration": {
"constructionObjectGuid": "exampleConstructionObjectGuid",
"pagination": {
"skip": 0,
"take": 50
Example for a search that returns all products that are based on the same template, regardless of template version:
"filtration": {
"templateGuid": "exampleTemplateGuid",
"pagination": {
"skip": 0,
"take": 50
Example for a search that returns all products that are based on the same template version:
"filtration": {
"templateVersionGuid": "exampleTemplateVersionGuid",
"pagination": {
"skip": 0,
"take": 50
Example for a search that returns all products which have a certain property value.
Providing the construction object is required when you are searching for property
value matches:
"filtration": {
"constructionObjectGuid": "exampleConstructionObjectGuid",
"parentId": 0,
"properties": [
"propertyGuid": "examplePropertyGuid",
"values": [
"value": "5",
"operator": "eq"
"pagination": {
"skip": 0,
"take": 50
Example for a search that returns all products which have a certain property value:
"filtration": {
"constructionObjectGuid": "exampleConstructionObjectGuid",
"parentId": "111111",
"properties": [
"propertyGuid": "examplePropertyGuid",
"values": [
"value": "5",
"operator": "eq"
"pagination": {
"skip": 0,
"take": 50
As mentioned above, the returned results will
include the products' Cobuilder ID. This is the parameter
that you will need to provide in all the GET request URLs,
in order to access the information for that product.
Example response:
"results": [
"name": "string",
"Id": 0,
"parentId": 0,
"specificType": "Regular"
Creating a document
The Products API allows enriching your product catalogue with product assets - documents, pictures, BIM objects.
You can create documents independently from products or connect them directly to multiple products.
The Create document endpoint
creates a document, based on a file to upload and a set of essential attributes,
describing the document - name, type, countries where applicable. The available document types and countries are
preset and can be found in the Relevant nomenclatures page.
Important to note: One file can only be uploaded once. An error will be returned if another upload of the same file is attempted.
Here's an example of creating a single document, not connected to a product:
Use content type: multipart/form-data
Example with curl (automatically determines the correct content type)
curl --location --request POST
--header "Authorization:Bearer {token}"
--form "file=@"C:\Users\test\Desktop\Documentation.pdf""
--form "Type=Brochure"
--form "Countries=GB"
--form "Countries=NO"
--form "Name=Document name"
Here's an example of creating a single document, which is connected to a product upon its creation:
curl --location --request POST
--header "Authorization:Bearer {token}"
--form "file=@"C:\Users\test\Desktop\Documentation.pdf""
--form "Type=Brochure"
--form "Countries=GB"
--form "Countries=NO"
--form "Name=Document name"
--form "ProductIds=123456"
--form "ProductIds=123457"
Updating a document
After a document is created, the file that was originally
uploaded cannot be altered. The metadata for the document can,
however, be changed. You can update the name,
type and status of the product through the
Update document endpoint .
Here's an example of changing the name and status of the document:
"type": "Warranty",
"status": "Expired",
"name": "New name of document"
Searching for documents
A document can only be uploaded once.
In case you have a product that needs to be
connected to a document that was previously created,
you can use the
Search documents endpoint
to browse through the documents that already exist on your account.
You can filter through the documents, based on different
criteria like type, name and status. For a translation of the document type,
you can also provide a culture code for the target language.
Here's an example of a search where we want to get only documents
with document type Technical Data Sheet and with status Active:
"filtration": {
"status": "Active",
"documentTypes": [
"pagination": {
"skip": 0,
"take": 50
Relating documents and products
One document can apply to more than one product and the Products API accounts
for that with the endpoints for relating and unrelating products and documents.
You have the opportunity to link multiple documents to multiple products or vice versa.
Adding relations between documents and products
You can link one document to multiple products.
Through the
Add relations between documents and products endpoint
you can do that for more than one documents.
"productId": 123456,
"documentId": 1
"productId": 123457,
"documentId": 1
"productId": 123458,
"documentId": 2
Removing the relations between documents and products
Sometimes a document needs to be unlinked from one or more products.
Remove relations between documents and products endpoint
allows you to do that with multiple documents and products.
Here's how you can unlink two documents from a few of their related products:
"productId": 123456,
"documentId": 1
"productId": 123457,
"documentId": 1
"productId": 123458,
"documentId": 2