To make the information easily exportable in different formats, we have different data types, depending on the type of information that the particular property bears. The possible data types are:
Datatype (parameter) Data type description
string String - ex. "Hello world!"
int Integer - ex. "3"
float Float number - ex. "3.14"
bool Boolean - ex. "true"
date Date (The only accepted format is the ISO 8601 f.ex. 2020-12-31)
link Link - ex. ""
email Email - ex. ""
Here are the supported languages and the codes that represent them in the Supply API:
Language Code Language
bg-BG Bulgarian
cs-CZ Czech
da-DK Danish
nl-BE Dutch (Belgium)
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands)
en-GB English (United Kingdom)
fi-FI Finnish
fr-BE French (Belgium)
fr-FR French (France)
de-DE German
en English
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil)
it-IT Italian
nn-NO Norwegian
nb-NO Norwegian (Bokmål)
pl-PL Polish
ar-SA Arabic
sr-Latn Serbian
es-ES Spanish
de-CH German (Switzerland)
ja-JP Japanese
sv-SE Swedish
The products returned by the API have the following types:
Status Description
Active Products which is actively in use
Expired Expired products are products which are no longer in use and set as expired
All Both active and expired products
When returning information about the documents which are attached to a product, the document type is also returned. Here are the available product types:
Type Type Name
1 Warranty
2 Product photo*
3 EU Ecolabel
4 Blue Angel
5 Blomsten
8 Danish Indoor Climate Labelling
10 Kontrollplan
11 Transporting instructions
12 Wiring diagram
13 Operating instructions
14 Spare parts list
15 Returskjema
16 Produktcertifiering (SWE)
17 Material recycling
18 Byggvarudeklaration
19 Description of workplace
20 Brochure
21 Company certification
22 Bra Miljöval
23 Emisjonsdata
24 EU energy label
25 BIM object**
26 Test report
27 Egenerklæring
28 Material information
29 Material Safety Data Sheet
30 Instructions for use
31 Certificate of conformity of the factory production control
32 ISO 9001
33 ISO 14001
34 ISO 9001:ISO 14001
35 Green Dot
36 Startbank
37 Nordic ecolabel certified company
38 Certificate of constancy of performance
39 Eco-Lighthouse
41 OHSAS 18001
42 BREEAM self declaration
44 Declaration of Performance
45 Ruteretur
46 M1 Emissions Classification of Building Materials
48 BREEAM self declaration Hea 09
49 Video instructions
50 Gravtegning/Nedfellingsmål
51 Fire safety data
52 BRE Global Certified Environmental Profile
53 ECOproduct
54 BREEAM Self declarationA20 2016
55 BREEAM Self declarationA20 HEA2
56 GUT label for textile floorings
58 Colour chart
59 Environmental information
60 Eksponeringsscenarier
61 FM documentation
62 Fire approval
63 SDS (Safety data sheet)
64 Lydtest
65 Sectional drawing
66 Price list
67 Assembly instructions
68 National technical approval
69 Product data sheet
70 CAD file
71 Product list
72 Product certification
73 Substitution document
74 Technical data sheet
75 EU Declaration of Conformity
76 Maintenance information
77 Specifying text
78 User manual
79 Drawing
80 Svanen
81 European Technical Assessment (ETA)
82 Table of tolerances
83 Information sheet
84 Annen produktinformasjon
86 Byggvarubedömningen
87 SINTEF Environmental Certificate
88 BREEAM 6.0 Mat 02 Self-declaration
89 ECOproduct method 5.2
90 BREEAM 6.0 Hea 02 Self-declaration
91 BREEAM 6.0 Hea 02 Self-declaration exemplary level
93 Indoor Air Comfort Gold
95 ISEGA Certificate of Compliance
Just like the products, the documents which describe them can be active or no longer applicable/not in use. Here are the statuses which can be used when working with the documents endpoints:
Status Description
Active Documents which are actively in use
Expired Expired documents are documents which are no longer in use or are past their expiration date (e.g., expired certificates)
All Both active and expired documents
There are two property type statuses which are set to true or false:
Status Description
Archived Property which is archived in Define. If the status is set to true: these properties cannot be used for creating new products. If it is false, the property is active and in use.
LCA property If the LCA property status is set to true, that means that this property is part of the LCA properties.